Advanced Programs
Designed for middle & high school students (specific ranges listed with program)
All programs run approximately 60 minutes unless otherwise noted
Cost: $200 for up to 20 students, $8 per additional. Max 30 students per group.
Please note: SMLI can run 1-3 groups simultaneously depending on program & staffing availability
DNA Fingerprinting* (6th-12th)
The DNA sequence of each person is unique. Perform the process of electrophoresis and learn how modern science identifies individuals with DNA fingerprinting. Students will collect and prepare a sample, set a gel plate, pipette the sample, and analyze the results.
*Note: 1.5 hour program. $240 base price.
DNA Extraction (6th-12th)
The chromosomes which contain details of life can finally be seen with the naked eye. Students will unravel the mysteries of genetics and cell anatomy while removing DNA from plants. Students will leave with a sample of DNA and a new understanding of why we are all so different.
Plastics & Polymers (6th-8th)
Modern chemistry comes to life when students examine the interaction between different solutions that make up an every day material - Plastic! Through demonstrations and hands on experiments, students learn the chemistry behind our man-made materials. The class will explore the realm of polymerization, hydration, and elasticity in this exciting workshop.
Beach Ecology* (6th-12th)
Using the Leeds Pond Preserve beach front on Manhasset Bay, a marine ecosystem will be put in the hands of the students. By learning and practicing the techniques of biological sampling, students perform a survey of the organisms near and on the shore. Participants will test the physical and chemical parameters of the water (salinity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, nitrates, phosphates). Students should be prepared to get shoes wet.
*Note: 1.5 hour program. $225 base price.
Practical Paleontology* (6th-8th)
This program is designed to give students a working knowledge of paleontology. By visiting our paleontology lab, students will see how fossils are excavated, preserved and restored. Each student will have the opportunity to work on actual bones encased in rock material.
*Note: 2-hour program. $250 base price.
Shark Dissection* (5th-12th)
This program is designed to give a close-up look inside a unique vertebrate animal. Students dissect a shark and discover the similarities and differences to our own anatomy. Respiratory, digestive, circulatory, and reproductive systems will be explored.
*Note: 1.5 hour program. $375 base price.
Pig Dissection* (9th-12th)
Pigs are commonly used to study the anatomy of mammals. Students will dissect a fetal pig and discover how similar the internal and external anatomy are to humans.
*Note: 1.5 hour program. $425 base price.