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Designed for 3rd-5th grade students (specific ranges listed with program)
All programs run approximately 60 minutes unless otherwise noted
Cost: $200 for up to 20 students, $8 per additional. Max 30 students per group.
Please note: SMLI can run 1-3 groups simultaneously depending on program & staffing availability
Animal Adaptations (3rd-5th)
Explore the amazing world of animals by getting up close to some of SMLI's live mammal, amphibian and reptile friends. Discover what adaptations they need to survive. Play a food web game to learn how herbivores, carnivores and decomposers interact and rely on one another.
Tropical Rainforest (3rd-5th)
The tropical rainforest is one of the most biodiverse in the world. Learn about its main characteristics and how animals survive there. See how indigenous people utilize its resources and meet some live animals as well.
Mammal Mania (3rd-5th)
Come get a closer look at the exiting world of mammals. Meet live representatives of this diverse group and discover how they have adapted to life on land, in the air, and at sea. Discover just how much bigger the earth's largest mammals are compared to us.
Grasshopper Dissection* (3rd-5th)
Learn about the wonderful world of arthropods as we discover one of its most famous members: the grasshopper. This class will completely examine the internal and external anatomy of the grasshopper.
*Additional $100 fee
Owl Pellet Dissection (3rd-5th)
Endangered Species (3rd-5th)
Learn the differences among the terms endangered, threatened and extinct. Look at the causes of extinction by examining the products of wildlife trade and the effects of habitat destruction.
Reptiles & Amphibians (3rd-5th)
Study the field of herpetology and learn the differences between reptiles and amphibians. Discover the unique adaptations of turtles, snakes, lizards, frogs, and toads while meeting some of the cold-blooded creatures that live at the museum.
Microscope Study Jr. (3rd-5th)
Study the field of herpetology and learn the differences between reptiles and amphibians. Discover the unique adaptations of turtles, snakes, lizards, frogs, and toads while meeting some of the cold-blooded creatures that live at the museum.
Frog Dissection* (3rd-5th)
Get up close to a preserved frog. See how its anatomy compares to that of a human being and learn dissecting techniques that preserve the external and internal parts. Students will work in pairs.
Botanical Discoveries (3rd - 5th
Bridging the Gap (3rd-5th)
Did you know that an ordinary piece of paper can turn into a bridge that can hold considerable weight? Find out how as you explore the world of bridges and columns. Compete with your classmates to create the strongest structure
Good Vibrations (3rd-5th)
Explore the world of sound. Through hands-on experiments and demonstrations, discover the variety of ways sound can be produced and how it travels through air and water.
Bubble Physics (3rd-6th)
Through experiments, discover many fun facts about bubbles while learning the principles of surface tension, capillary action, and fluid dynamics. Try your hand at making a super bubble.
Simple Machines* (3rd-6th)
Learn how our lives are made easier by using levers, inclined planes, screws, pulleys, wheels, and wedges. Through experimentation and hands-on stations, examine how the force needed to do your work is decreased with a little help from simple machines. *1.5 hour program
Water Works (3rd-5th)
Students are enlisted as water quality specialists and are asked to solve the problem of mysterious 'glowing' water. While practicing measuring skills with liquids, students will determine volume, temperature, weight, and density.
The Scientific Method - Bakeshop Blunder (3rd-5th)
The scientific method is another way of thinking. Using various steps, learn to formulate a hypothesis, test the results and come to a final conclusion. By the end of this program, solve the mystery of the mixed-up powders.
2B or not 2B: Magnetic & Electrical Investigation (3rd-5th)
By performing electrical and magnetic testing, students will determine if the items belong in drawer 2B or not. Electrical conductivity and magnetic properties of materials will be explored during class. Students will create a simple circuit to test their items and go over the basics of magnet forces.
Forces & Motion (3rd-5th)
Explore the foundations of physics through hands-on play and observation. We'll dive into Newton's three laws of motion and come to understand how they explain how natural forces interact both on Earth and in space!
Electricity (2nd-5th)
Investigate the world of electricity by constructing different types of circuits. Use your own body as a conductor while learning about static electricity. This is sure to be a shockingly good time!
Light, Lenses & Lasers (3rd-6th)
Learn how light bounces, bends, and disappears. Watch as you see colors and rainbows appear as you refract light and understand how color is seen. Discover how laser light can be manipulated with mirrors.
Kitchen Chemistry (3rd-6th)
See how ordinary items found in the kitchen can perform exciting chemical reactions. Discover the differences between an acid and a base using an indicator. By the end of class you will be able to cause a reaction that explodes!
Forensics (3rd-6th)
Learn about the science of crime scenes and how evidence can help solve a crime. Collect evidence from a crime scene, perform chemical tests on blood samples and examine differences in fingerprints in order to find out who did it.
The Scientific Method - Avalanche! (3rd-5th)
Students will perform an experiment with a ball and ramp that mimics a boulder’s movement. This program guides students through the steps of the scientific method, creating a hypothesis, a fair test, and accurately recording results. Emphasis is put on writing proper sentences when recording scientific data.
Liquid Nitrogen* (3rd-5th)
A Trip Back in Time* (3rd-5th)
Rocks & Minerals (3rd-5th)
Stars, Galaxies & Nebulae* (3rd-5th)
Constellations Tonight (3rd-5th)
Woodland Ecology (3rd-5th)
Explore Leeds Pond Preserve's woodland area and discover how all parts of an ecosystem, both living and non-living, are connected. Explore the intricate balance of food webs and how the loss of just one species can throw everything out of balance.
Maple Sugaring*
In late winter, as the days get warmer and trees get ready for spring, the sap starts to flow. Learn the process of creating everyone's favorite pancake topping from tree to table. Please note: this program features a maple syrup tasting activity.
*Available mid-February through mid-March
Beach Ecology* (3rd-5th)
Visit Manhasset Bay and explore the unique ecosystem of the inter-tidal zone. Discover how much life is hidden in the microscopic world of our planet's water systems, and more! *1.5 hour program.