The Science Museum of Long Island offers great experiences for scout troops with programs designed to meet the Cub Scout Adventure requirements.
All programs run 1 hours in total unless otherwise noted.
See a list of the programs we offer below.
Mountain Lion:
Learn about the Cub Scout 6 Essentials before heading out on the trail. Discover what S.A.W means, explore the difference between natural and man-made objects in nature and get to know common animals found in your area.
Ready, Set, Grow!
Explore where our food comes from, and just how easy it us to start your very own garden! Visit our garden beds to see what's growing, and take home a plant of your very own to care for at home.
Sky is the Limit: Explore the night sky with us. Learn how different constellations got their name, what stars they are made up of, and design a constellation of your own take home!
Tigers in the Wild:
Pack your gear and head out on the trails to explore Leeds Pond Preserve like a true naturalist. Following the Outdoor Code and Leave No Trace principles, discover how you can identify signs of wildlife through different clues.
Curiosity, Intrigue & Magical Mysteries:
Sometimes, a magic trick is really just science. Learn two magical science tricks you can amaze your friends and family with back at home. Learn to write your name in secret code.
Paws on the Path:
Grab a buddy and head out on the path! While on a 1-mile hike, look for plants and animals you've never seen before and learn how to identify them.
Code of the Wolf:
Explore the world of patterns and codes as you create your own secret code to send messages, play games and more. Observe the environment around you through common shapes on a nature walk.
Air of the Wolf:
Explore the science of air pressure. Conduct experiments to see how air affects different objects, including paper plane designs and wind instruments.
Digging in the Past:
Go back in time and explore the world when dinosaurs roamed the earth. Visit SMLI's Paleontology Lab to work on real fossils, and design a dinosaur of your very own.
Finding Your Way:
Hone your navigation skills using maps and compasses before putting yourself to the test along the trails of Leeds Pond Preserve.
Bear Habitat:
Learn how to properly plan for the perfect 1-mile hike before heading on out the trail at Leeds Pond Preserve. Become an expert at identifying signs of animal life, and make a sketchbook of memories from your time in the outdoors.
Balancing Bears:
Mix science, math and nature as you explore patterns, use math to create delicious trail mix and more. Discover symmetry in nature along the trails.
Tap into your inner detective as you learn about forensic science in a mock crime scene. Discuss different types of evidence collected and analyzed by forensic scientists to solve any mystery.
Super Science:
Scouting and science go great together! Utilize your skills of observation through various experiments exploring the world of static electricity, density, chemistry and more.
Critter Care:
Interesting in having a pet friend join your family? Make sure your prepared to be the best pet parent possible as you explore common animals kept as pets. Meet some of SMLI's live animals to determine the best choice for you.
Marble Madness:
Science and play go hand-in-hand. Explore how marbles are made, and the variety of games and activities you can enjoy with them. Design your own marble maze to take home.
Webelos Walkabout:
Come ready with your cub scout six essentials, because we're heading out for a 2-mile hike! Learn first-aid skills you can use on the trail as we practice Leave No Trace Principles and the Outdoor Code.
Earth Rocks!:
Break into the world of geology! Discover how geologists identify different types of rocks and minerals by observing and testing their unique characteristics. Create a rock collection of your own to take home.
Into the Wild:
Head out into the 'wilderness' of Leeds Pond Preserve to discover which animals call it home. Go in depth on the life of one wild animal in particular, learning about it's habitat, adaptations and more.
Into the Woods:
Learn about the trees and plants found along the trails of Leeds Pond Preserve and the important roles they play in nature.